Monday, June 1, 2009

Look at my 6 month old cutiepie!

Every DAy is sO FuN witH JilLiE. TodaY sHe is 6 mOntHs! ShE iS verY inTerEsteD iN thE cAmEra. ShE ALwayS wAntS tO PuT iT In HeR MouTh.

WE haVE a MirroR hOOked to tHe baCK sEat sO we caN sEE heR wHIle we driVe. I Had to taKe THis piCTure of her, How could i resist! LOOk aT hEr liTTle FacE!
CaN You See hEr TwO fRonT tEEth?

hER SmiLE iS ConTAgiOUs.


Erica said...

Dana I love your enthusiasm and love for your baby! She is adorable! We miss you guys!

Cheryl said...

She is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!