Saturday, October 11, 2008

"It's a Major Award!"

We went to the city tonight with our friend Jared for some tasty Eliza's (the best Chinese food),and as we were driving home, Aaron started telling us a story about this new knee brace that he is trying out and how it is helping his leg and right then I looked out the car window into an apartment window and spotted this...

Can you see it?

Here is a better picture if you can't quite see what is shining so brightly in the window...

A leg lamp, it was pretty amazing!! Oh, and again another reason why I love the city.


Cheryl said...

I'm an insomniac these days. After laying in bed for 1 hour I decided to get on the computer, I'm glad I did, that is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Thanks for sharing! Wouldn't you love to go meet those people! I love the city too.

Dana said...

Hi! It was so funny! We had to drive around the block just so we could take a picture of it! I hope you can get some sleep! Love ya!

Sandy said...

That is so funny! I wonder where they got that! I am getting excited to watch that movie now! When are you due?

Dana said...

I'm due December 10th. Can't wait!! Ryan is such a cutie Sandy. All your kids are! We need to get together soon!

Tess said...

That is SO funny that someone really had that in there window!

Jenni said...

I love, love, love that movie and am so sad I was not there to see it!

beck said...

Oh, my. That is really funny, I'm glad you got a picture of it!

Laura said...

Too funny. I'm glad there are people out there in the world with a sense of humor.