Saturday, November 29, 2008

Here I am- BIG and READY

Can you guess which pair of feet are mine? I know its tricky....

I wish I posed for every picture like this one...
Only 11 more days till my due date!
Only 4 more days till my last day of work!
so very soon till we can hold our little girl!


Molly said...

Yay! I'm excited to see your little girl! Hang in there!

LJ, DC and ML said...

Oh, your poor feet! You look awesome, can't wait to meet Little J!

Cheryl said...

I especially love the posy picture! I can't wait until your baby comes.

Laura said...

Dana your feet look painful, I know because mine have looked like that too... I could literally feel the sloshing of the water in them when I walked. You really look great though, your same beautiful self. I am VERY excited for your baby to be born. We love you!

Sandy said...

You look so cute! You really should pose like that for every picture! I am so sorry about your poor feet. THat looks so painful! You better post pictures of your little cutie soon after she comes!! I can't wait to see her!

beck said...

You are so lucky! You look so good!!! Sorry about the feet, though. I feel your pain! Fortunately that goes away pretty quickly, I hear. I will have a lot more to get rid of once mine are born. I think you will be looking good in no time! Good luck, I can't wait to see pics of this sweet little baby!!

the keele's said...

oh the joys. i remember those days. exciting that she is nearly here. i hope i can see her when i am out there for christmas. good luck.