While I was at work today, Aaron and Jillian had a fun day at the California Acadamy of Science Museum or it is also called the Steinhart Museum. He sent me these pictures from his phone. I love that he goes on little fieldtrips with her even at such a young age. She loves fish can't you tell and isn't it awesome that he left her in her pajamas!! I think that is a guy thing to do. She does look cute in little feetie pjs though I have to admit.
Those are the cutest pics. What a good daddy!!
I love it Dana. What an awesome Dad Jillie has...and a great husband you have!
I love that he kept her in her jammies!! So cute! And your picture for your header is beautiful.
How cute that Aaron takes her on all these field trips! Thanks for sharing these! We love you three!
Dana that is SO cute! Yes, it is a guy thing to leave kids in pjs. One time in Logan UT when Jessie was one, so it was January (think snowy blizzard) John took her to the store in a onesy with those little see through tights, like nylons. He thought they were "pants". I can laugh about it now :)
Yes, Jillie IS adorable in her little footsie jammies. Tell Aaron we said HI!
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