Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day at the Dog Park

On my day off last Friday, I took Max to a new dog park that I found in Mountain View. When we first got there, we went into the large dog area since there weren't any smaller dogs in the small dog area. So here is Max checking the place out, not sure of the whole thing...
After watching the big dogs run around for awhile, Max decided to lay down in his favorite position...
Finally Max decided to play around with the big dogs and not be shy, as soon as he saw them chasing balls, he was all over that. The big dogs all decided it was fun to chase Max...
This is Max at my work resting his chin on one of his favorite "babies"


Cheryl said...

Oh, he's so cute.

I love Max.

I love Max too, I am so glad Max came down with you guys when you came to visit.

JEM said...

Congrats back atcha on the prego business! How cool that we're almost in tandem! Also, your dog is frakking cute. I want to rub my face in that curly gray fur.

Laura said...

Dana, Max is really cute. Do you get to take him to work?? Do you ever see Louie? How do they get along?

Sandy said...

What a cute puppy! I just noticed that you tagged me, I promise I will get to that soon!

Dana said...

Hey Laura, I do get to bring him to work with me, its great. He usually just sleeps underneth the counter where we keep the shopping bags, he has one side and the bags are on the other side. Max and Louie are great friends. They don't see each other that much but last time they saw each other they played so good together. It is very cute seeing them play.